
The Bialchem Group’s product range includes a wide range of granulated inorganic fertilisers:

  • nitrogen,
  • phosphates,
  • potassium,
  • multi-component.

Thanks to the fertilisers supplied by our company, Polish agricultural producers are able to manage their crops more effectively, obtaining high-quality yields while maintaining soil fertility.

The company offers the following products:

All the fertilisers we offer meet the requirements set out in separate regulations and are authorised for marketing within the European Union. The quality of the fertilisers is systematically checked, already at the stage of their acceptance at the terminal, by independent inspection companies.
Urea 46% N

Urea 46 % N is a highly concentrated nitrogen fertiliser, in amide form, in the form of white granules. Due to the very good solubility of urea in water and legal requirements, this fertiliser should only be applied foliarly at a concentration adapted to the requirements of the species fed and the development stage of the plant. This must be done with due observance of the relevant safety and dosage rules and application technology to avoid damaging the sprayed plants.

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Granulated potassium salt 60% K2O

Granulated potassium salt 60% K2 O is a pre-sowing fertiliser. It is recommended to apply the fertiliser at least 2-3 weeks before sowing the crop by mixing it into the cultivation layer at a depth of up to 20 cm. Adhering to the earlier sowing date for potassium salt will allow some of the chlorine to leach out of the soil layer where the basic parts of the crop’s root system are developing. For grassland, it is recommended to apply the fertiliser before the start of the vegetation, after the first swath and, in the case of pastures, no later than three weeks before the start of grazing (dividing the total potassium dose into at least two parts).

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Nitrogen-phosphorus fertiliser NP 9-30+9S

Nitrogen and phosphorus fertiliser NP 9-30+9S is a granular fertiliser, light to dark grey in colour, containing 30% phosphorus (P O25 ), of which 27% is water-soluble phosphorus. The ammonium nitrogen present in the fertiliser enhances the uptake of phosphorus contained both in the granules and in the soil itself. The sulphur available in the fertiliser is involved in the most important life processes of plants.

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Nitrogen-phosphorus fertiliser NP 10-35+7S

Nitrogen-phosphorus fertiliser NP 10-35+7S in granulated form is a highly concentrated fertiliser rich in easily assimilable phosphorus, as much as 32.5% of this element dissolves in water. The ammonium nitrogen present in the fertiliser enhances the uptake of phosphorus contained both in the granules and in the soil itself. The nutrients in the fertiliser are supplemented with sulphur, which, among other things, supports the plant’s resistance to pathogens.

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Bialfoska NPK 8-20-30+3S

Bialfoska NPK 8-20-30+3S fertilizer is a fertilizer in the form of granules with a colour from gray to pink. It is characterised by a high content of phosphorus (20% P O25 ) and potassium (30% K2 O). This fertiliser can be used for all field and grassland crops, especially on potassium-poor soils and for potassium-loving crops such as sugar beet, maize and oilseed rape.

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Bialfoska NPK 5-15-30+4S Blend is a multicomponent, blended fertiliser created by mechanically mixing two types of fertilisers. This fertiliser is in the form of granules with a grey to pink colour. It is characterised by a high content of phosphorus (15% P2O5) and potassium (30% K2O). This fertiliser can be used for all field and grassland crops, especially on potassium-poor soils and for potassium-loving crops such as sugar beet, maize and oilseed rape.

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Nitro-chalk is a universal nitrogen fertiliser containing nitrogen in equal parts in the nitrate and ammonium form. The presence of these forms of nitrogen ensures even feeding of plants throughout the entire growing season. The calcium contained in the fertiliser facilitates the uptake of nitrogen by plants, stimulates the development of the root system and stimulates the activity of symbiotic bacteria. Unlike other nitrogen fertilisers, nitro-chalk has a negligible acidifying effect.

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We sell
more than

tonnes of fertilisers
per year

We serve
more than

customers in
the entire country

We supervise the
quality of fertilisers
along the entire
logistic route.