
BIALFOSKA NPK(S) 7-20-30 +2%S

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Jeśli na prawdę troszczysz się o jakość swojego plonu zainwestuj w nawóz kompleksowy BIALFOSKA NPK 7-20-30 +2%S.

Zawarty w nawozie fosfor pochodzi z najczystszych na świecie złóż mineralnych i zawiera jedynie śladowe ilości metali ciężkich. Odpowiednio dobrana, bogata formuła nawozu w pełni zaspokoi potrzeby pokarmowe roślin jesienią, a także wiosną jednakże pod warunkiem uzupełnienia nawożenia dodatkową dawką azotu.

Nawóz BIALFOSKA NPK 7-20-30 +2%S może być stosowany pod wszystkie rośliny uprawne i użytki zielone. Jest szczególnie polecany pod rośliny lubiące potas takie jak np. rzepak, kukurydza czy burak cukrowy. Największą efektywność uzyskuje się stosując nawóz przedsiewnie poprzez wymieszanie go z glebą na głębokości 10 – 15 cm. Skład nawozu przy doborze optymalnych dawek nawożenia – w zależności od zasobności gleby w składniki pokarmowe – w pełni zaspokaja zapotrzebowanie roślin w fosfor i potas. Dla roślin o dłuższym okresie wegetacji zaleca się dodatkowe zasilanie nawozami azotowymi np. mocznikiem.

Nawóz NPK 7-20-30(2) jest dostępny w workach polietylenowych a’50kg i/lub a’25kg oraz w kontenerach elastycznych typu big-bag a’500kg”

Zobacz inne produkty:
Granulated potassium salt 60% K2O

Potassium is one of necessary nutrients for plants, located in soil. Due to the ease of combining potassium with oxygen and water, this element is not present in nature in its free state, but only in the form of various compounds. The main ingredient of the product is potassium chloride (KCl), received from non-treated potassium salts. Granular potassium salt contains 60% (m/m) of potassium per water-soluble K2O. It was confirmed that potassium stimulates more than 40 various enzymatic processes in a plant, among others, it participates in the synthesis of proteins, and carbohydrates. Various functions of potassium, and its content in the soil determine the growth and proper development of plants. With severe deficiency of potassium, plants face inhibited growth, withering, yellowing, and, as a consequence, dying.

BIALFOSKA NPK(S) 8-­19-­29 + 3%S

a product obtained in a chemical process, without any addition of organic substances of plant and animal origin. Total nutrient content % (m/m): 56% (N+P 2 O5+K2 O), particular nutrient content % (m/m): 8% N, 19% P2 O5, 29% K2 O, and 3% S. The NPK (S) 8-19-29 (3) fertilizer is classified as a multi-component fertilizer. Because it contains all three basic nutrients, it is a very attractive product. With such a mix applied to the soil, it becomes richer in macrocomponents, and a plant, from the beginning of its growth and development, has good development conditions.

BIALFOSKA NPK(S) 5-20-30 +3%S

a product obtained in the process of mixing, without any addition of organic substances of plant and animal origin. Total nutrient content % (m/m): 55% (N+P 2 O5+K2 O), particular nutrient content % (m/m): 5% N, 20% P2 O5,  30% K2 O, and 3% S. The product is to be used before sowing, to be mixed with the soil, but may also be used for top dressing in spring. Intended for use in the cultivation of all field crops, and green arable lands. It works particularly well for corn, rapeseed, and sugar beet cultivation.

BIALFOSKA NPK(S) 7-20-30 +2%S

is a highly concentrated fertilizer in the form of granules containing all the basic nutrients: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (as much as 57%) necessary for plant life processes. The fertilizer was additionally enriched with sulfur, positively affecting the plant nitrogen metabolism.The nutrients available in the fertilizer are easily soluble in water, so that they can be taken up by the plants quickly and efficiently.Homogeneous graining guarantees precise fertilizer spreading, thanks to which each plant has an easy access to the nutrients that are applied.

Urea with a content of 46% N

a fertilizer containing 46% of nitrogen (N), significantly hygroscopic and with acid reaction. Urea is a universal fertilizer, fit for various kinds of soils, for fertilizing of all cultivated plants. It is not recommended however, to use it on highly alkaline and acidic soils, and freshly limed soils.


Bialfoska NPK 5-15-30+4S Blend is a multi-nutrient, blended fertiliser created by mechanically mixing two types of fertiliser. This fertiliser is in the form of granules ranging from grey to pink in colour. It characterises with high content of Phosphorus(15% P2O5) and Potassium (30% K2O). This fertiliser may be applied to all field and grassland crops, especially on potassium-poor soils and to potassium-loving plants such as sugar beet, maize and oilseed rape.


Nitro-chalk is a universal nitrogen fertiliser containing nitrogen in equal parts in the nitrate and ammonium form. The presence of these forms of nitrogen ensures even feeding of the plants throughout the growing season. The calcium contained in the fertiliser facilitates the uptake of nitrogen by plants, stimulates the development of the root system and stimulates the activity of symbiotic bacteria. Unlike other nitrogen fertilisers, nitro-chalk has a negligible acidifying effect.